Government organisations refusing to provide geographic alternative numbers

Since February, I’ve been waiting for responses from 5 different government sponsored organisations to provide geographic alternative numbers for the 1890 and 076 numbers provided as contact information on their websites.

In a recent blog post, Revenue Commissioners – 1890 Numbers, I commended that organisation and a couple of government departments on their provision of alternatives very clearly on their website.

Unfortunately, not all government organisations that we fund will give us alternative numbers to allow us save money whenever we need to call them. The irony being that 2 of the organisations are supposed to assist people in financial difficulties already.

Stonewalled by organisations not providing geographic alternative numbersGeographic Alternative Rogues Gallery

So, step forward the following organisations who I contacted back in early February, and whom I’ve again contacted as of last night, requesting alternatives for numbers published on their websites:

  • Insolvency Service of Ireland
    • Information and General Enquiries 0761064200
    • Case Management Division 0761064200
    • Bankruptcy Division 0761064232
    • Regulation Division 0761064234
  • Citizens Information
    • Citizens Information Phone Service 0761074000
    • Citizens Information Website Team 0761079000

Next Steps

If I ever do get any useful responses from any of the organisations above, I’ll let you know. Don’t hold your breath, though.

Update 29/03/2016

Below are the responses received so far from the organisations contacted above. Well, 2 organisations actually responded (MABS and Citizens Information) and I only have 2 automated responses from SUSI. The RSA and PRTB didn’t respond to me at all. I guess it’ll be FOI requests for them now (my 2nd for PRTB seeking geographic alternative contact numbers).

Response from Citizens Information Board

Dear Diarmuid, Thank you for your email, and my apologies for the delay in replying. I have discussed this with our ICT team and they are investigating options to put a geographic number in place for our phone services (Citizens Information and Money Advice and Budgeting Service). Thank you again for the feedback, Regards [redacted] Citizens Information Board

Response [2] from Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI)

[Incident: 160322-000363] Hello, Your email has been received by SUSI. Follow us on twitter @susihelpdesk to get the latest information on SUSI. Thank you. SUSI Support Team Dia Dhuit, Tá do ríomhphost faighte ag SUSI. Is féidir sinn a leanúint ar Twitter @susihelpdesk chun an eolas is déanaí a fháil ar SUSI. Go raibh maith agat. Foirne Tacaíochta SUSI SUSI Support Team

Response from Insolvency Service of Ireland (ISI)

Hi Diarmuid, Apologies for the delay in responding to your email request. We are currently investigating with our IT department regarding your query as they have responsibility for our phone system and will revert as soon as we have an answer. Kind regards ISI Corporate Affairs

Response [1] from Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI)

[Incident: 160202-001329] Hello, Your email has been received by SUSI. Follow us on twitter @susihelpdesk to get the latest information on SUSI. Thank you. SUSI Support Team Dia Dhuit, Tá do ríomhphost faighte ag SUSI. Is féidir sinn a leanúint ar Twitter @susihelpdesk chun an eolas is déanaí a fháil ar SUSI. Go raibh maith agat. Foirne Tacaíochta SUSI SUSI Support Team

Response from Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS)

Hi Diarmuid, We don’t have local alternatives to the MABS National helpline number at this time. We do offer to call back all clients who call the helpline, in order to minimise the costs for them. It is also possible to request a call back from the MABS Helpline by email at the address Email us and write "Request for call back" in the subject line of your email. Don't forget to provide a phone number you can talk on privately, and one of our Helpline Advisers will try to call you back by the end of the next working day. Clients can of course get in touch with their local MABS service, contact details for which can be found at the following link to our website: I hope this helps. [redacted] Kind regards Administrator – DMA MABS  

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6 Responses to Government organisations refusing to provide geographic alternative numbers

  1. Damo 10th May 2016 at 16:25 #

    h.s.e. GONE THE SAME (076) prefix

  2. Paul 4th October 2016 at 02:31 #

    076 6887350 PRTB (NOW RTB)

    So delighted to have read article in last week’s Daily Mail re proliferation of non-geographic numbers. The problem is becoming worse. .. One question : why is this occuring, are organisations benefeting by not quoting geographic numbers? Congratulations to the people who set up this website, you’re providing a great service in highlighting the problem. Perhaps someone might contact RTE Liveine or have conor pope on the Ray darcy show highlight it again, Paul

  3. Nora Byrne 2nd December 2016 at 12:31 #

    I guessed the number for citizen’s advice based on the fax number and if worked!

    01 60590000

  4. Dee 30th May 2017 at 17:40 #

    Thanks for the citizens information number. Is useful between 9 and 5.30 Mon to Fri 🙂

  5. David Murphy 29th November 2017 at 12:42 #

    Thanks Nora

    01 6059000 for citizen’s advice is still working (extra zero removed)

  6. Patricia 1st March 2019 at 13:51 #

    Tks Nora. I’m trying for this and others. Why cant com Reg or some body do something about this rediculous scam. Active aging and other groups need to complain. Diabetes Ireland have taken down 1890 no. I see supposedly helplines for young people using those no too.

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