Some organisations are doing away with 1890 numbers. Here’s a list #nomore1890

nomore1890It was the NCTS (National Car Testing Service) that I was alerted to first who had made the decision to no longer provide 1890 contact numbers.

The more organisations that do that, the less work I’ll have to spend keeping this website updated.

I’ll keep track on this page here, and as it’s updated I’ll publicise to readers, whenever any other organisations do the same.

If you’ve found any other organisations making this decision, please let me know and I’ll keep the listing below updated.

2 Responses to Some organisations are doing away with 1890 numbers. Here’s a list #nomore1890

  1. Polly power 15th January 2017 at 15:30 #

    sick to death when I see an 1890/0818/ 1850 etc when I want to ring a proper landline number. I can’t believe we are sold a bundle by eircom/eir and these so-called numbers are not included in the bundle. Look up the yellow pages for the mobile number if you have to make a call

  2. Roz Kelly 13th April 2018 at 17:36 #

    What a farce and a total misnomer – LoCall indeed!! The only calls that many mobile phone plans make you pay for – all my landline and mobile calls within Ireland are FREE from my provider…as are most other peoples’ these days 🙁

    It is ridiculous that so many organisations do not provide a landline – when are they going to get the message and LISTEN to their dissatisfied customers/clients/users!!!

    I usually search for an international phone contact number as the so-called “LoCall” numbers are not accessible from abroad in any case. I first realised this about bank phone numbers – as it was essential that banks’ customers were able to contact them to cancel lost or stolen credit or debit cards immediately as any delay would assist the fraudsters to raid the accounts.

    Many many thanks to the enlightened person that set up this website…well done 🙂

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