• Rabodirect (Customer Service)
    • 1850882222 Call Instead – 016599731
    • 1850882244 – Call Instead 016599731 
  • Red Oak Tax Refunds
    • 1890733625 – Call Instead 0599173300
  • Regional Broadband
    • 1890404050 Call Instead – 014968181
  • Rentokill
    • Commercial Pest Control 1890555222 – Call Instead 045850700
    • Residential Pest Control 1890666444 – Call Instead 045850700
  • RepairIT.ie
    • 0818919099 – Call instead 0214899565
  • Respond Housing Association
    • 0818357901 – Call Instead 051840200
  • Revenue (Irish Tax & Customs)
    • Credit/debit card payments 1890273747 – Call Instead 018288045
    • Fingal District 1890678456 – Call Instead 018277000
    • PAYE General Queries – Call Instead 017023011
    • PAYE Anytime / ROS Helpdesk 1890201106 – Call Instead 017023021
    • Tax Relief at Source (TRS) for Mortgage 1890463626 – Call Instead 061310310 or 061488000
    • National Stamp Duty Office 1890482582 – Call Instead 016131803
    • Local Property Tax 1890200255 – Call Instead 017023049
    • Local Property Tax 1890338448 – Call Instead 017023039
    • PAYE South West Region 1890222425 – Call Instead 0216027000
    • PAYE Dublin Region 1890333425 – Call Instead 016474444
    • ROS Payment Support 1890226336  – Call Instead 017023052
    • PAYE East & South East Region 1890444425 – Call Instead 017023011 or 050459500
    • Castlebar Revenue Office – Call Instead 0949037000
    • Tax Clearance Certificate – Call Instead 0526178614
    • VAT Section – Call Instead 061212799
    • Collector General 1890203070 – Call Instead 061310310 or 061488000
    • Forms and Leaflets Service 1890306706 Call Instead – 017023050
    • Employer Unit 1890254565 – Call Instead 06763400
    • Online Service (ROS) Information Desk 1890201106 Call Instead – 017023021
    • PAYE Border Midlands West Region 1890777425 Call Instead – 016474444
    • Capital Acquisition Tax 1890201104 – Call Instead 017023048
    • Local Property Tax 1890200255 – Call Instead 017023049
    • Employer Enquiries 1890254565 – Call Instead 017023014
    • VAT Refunds Registered 1890252625 & Unregistered 1890252449 – Call Instead 061488060 
    • VIMA Office, Dundalk 1890251010 – Call Instead 0429353300
  • Ripplecom
    • 1890747753 – Call Instead 061513085
  • Road Safety Authority RSA
    • Driver Licencing Section 1890416141 – Call Instead 09678288
    • Driver Testing Centre 1890406040 Call Instead – 09678289 or try 016375040
    • NCT Bookings SPSV, i.e. Taxi 1890412413 Call Instead – 014135960
    • NCT Bookings Private Cars) 1890412413 Call Instead – 014135900, 014135994 or 014135992 
    • Penalty Points Enquiries 0761087880 – Call Instead 09625000
  • Roche Windows
    • 1890987797 – Call Instead 0874117311
  • Rota Contracts
    • 1890725400 – Call Instead 02956500
  • Royal Liver Assurance Group
    • 1850 246 111 Call Instead – +441512361451 (this is a UK number, so use on Skype or if you have UK minutes bundles)
  • RSA Insurance Group
    • 1890290100 Call Instead – 012901000
  • Ryanair Customer Service / Reservations
    • 0818303030 Call Instead – 012480856 (note, as of 22/03/2011, this number may no longer work).

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9 Responses to R

  1. Colm O'Brien 18th October 2016 at 08:38 #

    South West Regional Business Tax Lo Call Number for IT/CT, CGT, VAT, RCT and Registrations: 1890 368 378.

    Callers from outside the Republic of Ireland: 353 1 7023040.

  2. Tony Tehan 23rd November 2016 at 11:18 #

    I would recommend caution using the number listed above as
    ◦PAYE General Queries – Call Instead 017023011
    I received a phishing call today (Nov 2016) and this is the number that was displayed on my phone. Also a web search shows that others have received similar phishing calls from that number. Thus I would suggest people are careful before using this number

  3. Ken Keller 23rd November 2016 at 17:29 #

    South City/Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Business Taxes District
    Income Tax Division
    Instead of 1890 236 336, call 01-702 3056.

    Received from directly from Revenue Commissioners after submitting an enquiry for a non-1890 number. Mind you, it took them a week to get back to me. 😉

  4. Sean Clarke 24th March 2017 at 12:16 #

    ROS Helpdesk

    +353 1 7023021….option 4

  5. Oliver Tuffy 16th June 2017 at 12:42 #

    This is an excellent service and one that should receive publicity on the radio/Tv and media in general. The call was to a government department which lasted over 40 minutes.

  6. Brendan 24th October 2017 at 15:29 #

    Office of the Revenue Commissioners
    Westmeath/Offaly Tax District

    0906 421 800

  7. Brendan 24th October 2017 at 15:30 #

    Office of the Revenue Commissioners
    Government Offices, Cranmore Road, Sligo.

    071 914 8600

  8. Brendan 24th October 2017 at 15:32 #

    Revenue Commissioners – Meath

    Abbey Buildings, Abbey Road, Navan, Co. Meath.

    046 903 3600


  9. Pat Horgan 2nd May 2018 at 13:14 #

    PAYE South West Region 1890222425 – Call Instead 0216027000
    this landline number is wrong they will not connect you to PAYE s/w
    any updates on same ????

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