Irish consumers are needlessly paying out up to €5 a time to call “low cost” telephone numbers like those beginning 1890 — even though they could get the calls for next to nothing.
This is because many organisations and businesses are encouraging their customers to ring their LoCall 1890, or 1850 Callsave, or 0818 National Call telephone numbers at local call rates costing 4.9c a minute in the daytime and 1.26c off-peak.
But popular mobile and landline phone deals with inclusive minutes exclude calls to LoCall 1890 numbers, Callsave 1850 and national 0818 calls from their minute bundles, hence representing an additional but unnecessary cost to the consumer.
This website will provide Irish consumers with geographical alternative telephone numbers to use instead of the 1890, 1850 and 0818 supplied by Irish Businesses, allowing Irish consumers save some money.
So, if you’re calling from a mobile and use a geographic alternative number instead of a 1890 / 1850 / 0818 number, you can save up to 40c per minute on your calls.
(#mackerel transferred 07/05)