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What visitors to are saying…

This website is something that I just work on in my spare time, on and off, since 2007. In that time, the site has had hundreds of thousands of visitors. (I wonder how much money has been saved in total over the years).

Below are a selection of the nice comments that people have taken the time to send in about (Honestly, there’s only been two or three negative comments – I’ll come back to them later).

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Do Not CopyA lot of work has gone into collating the list of phone numbers that’s available on this website.

I fully appreciate that the information is available in the public domain, but it’s still frustrating when people just copy & paste everything to try to make money off the back of the work done here.

Even if it is said that “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”, the following is the rogues gallery of people who’ve helped themselves to the free listing of information here and then tried to charge people for the same information elsewhere.

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One man’s guide to saving thousands of euro after cuts

The Irish Examiner LogoOne man’s guide to saving thousands of euro after cuts
The Irish Examiner
Friday October 18th, 2013

JUST like most Irish citizens, James O’Donovan felt the pinch when the recession struck.

Since then, a succession of austerity budgets along with salary cuts cost him dear. He responded by tackling austerity head on — identifying ways to combat it — and has so far managed to save his family thousands of euro a year.

I also use to avoid dialling 1890 numbers.

“I dial the local equivalent to avoid fees as these are not part of free local/national calls. Most 1890 numbers have a local national equivalent.”

He estimates annual savings of at least €75.

So as you can see, with some simple smart spending tips, taking the four budget cuts above, you can more than cancel the impact of Budget 2014. You can even gain substantially if you can afford to do some home improvements or venture into property investment.

Numbers awaiting investigation for geographic alternatives

Sometimes I don’t always have the time to immediately follow up on requests e-mailed through to me where people have 1890, 1850 or 0818 number that they’re seeking geographic alternatives for.

As of January, 2015 I’ve almost caught up with all the requests e-mail through.

The following, however, is a listing of numbers for which I haven’t yet been able to seek out any geographic alternatives.

Maybe you can help out if you, too, are seeking geographic alternatives for any of the numbers below. Post a comment below if you manage to find any useful geographic alternative numbers.

  • Supervalu Online Rewards Helpline – 081831323
  • Belkin Support – 0818555006
  • Currys (Knowhow Team) – 1890818575
  • Direct Holidays Ireland – 0818200105
  • Zanussi Ireland – 0818543000
  • Irish Broadband – 1890929029
  • Gaiety Theatre – 0818719388
  • Samsung Customer Support – 0818717100
  • Travel Councellors – 0818332003
  • AIB Merchant Services PCI Helpdesk  – 1890987080
  • BMW Customer Services – 1890719421
  • OriFlame – 1890920255
  •  – 1850211777
  • Tesco Technical Support – 1890928569
  • Tesco Greystones 1890928461
  • Ulster Bank Business Cards Online – 1850812444
  • Wexford County Council 24 Hour Emergency Number – 1890666777
  • AIB Business & Agri Team – 1890478833
  • Arthritis Ireland – 1890252846
  • Zanussi Warranty Line 0818543444
  • Webrecruit Ireland 1890678080 Update Now Completed

House KeepingOver the past number of weeks, I have addressed the almost 250 outstanding e-mails that I’ve received from users of the website – many thanks to everyone for your time and effort in sending suggestions and requests through.

This has resulted in an update to approximately 180 numbers on the website – either new numbers or updates to existing ones.

There are no over 500 geographic alternatives available on this website, helping you save money when making phone calls.

The breakdown of geographic is around about what I would have expected (though not sure why I’d expected these numbers):

1890 alternatives – 60%

1850 alternatives – 25%

0818 alternatives – 15%

Many many thanks again to everyone who has e-mailed the website in the past. There are so many e-mails, I couldn’t respond individually to each one, but please note that I have read and followed up (in one way or another) on every e-mail received.

Don’t forget, you can reach me via this contact page if you have any geographic alternative numbers to be included on the website, or if there are any numbers that you would like me to try to find alternatives for.

Why it’s time to hang up on so-called low-cost numbers

Irish Independent LogoIrish Independent, Published 20 April 2012 06:00 AM

Fancy paying 15c a minute for a call because it’s excluded from the allocated minutes you have with your mobile phone plan?
How about 6.61c a minute for calls from your landline, even though you’re paying for a ‘bundled’ package that includes all local and national calls?
Well that’s exactly what could happen if you call an 1890, 1850 or 0818 number. So how do these numbers work and why aren’t they working for you?
1890 numbers, known as low‐call numbers, were born in a time before bundled packages when you paid a smaller price for local calls than national ones and we didn’t all use mobiles.
When a business gave you an 1890 number to call them it meant you would pay a flat local per‐minute rate no matter where you were in the country.
With 1850 numbers you could call a business anywhere in the country for a flat all‐in rate; you pay the same whether you’re on the phone for 1 minute or half an hour.
The same rules still apply, but the problem is that we pay differently now. We have multiple phone providers, we can pay a fixed monthly charge for our landline and can call landlines in any county for that.
And anyway lots of us have dumped the landline and now only use our mobiles.
But you’ll find these numbers are not included in your landline package of unlimited calls to landlines, nor are they usually included in your inclusive mobile minutes.
Instead you pay extra; up to 30c for an 1850 call and typically 15c a minute for 1890 numbers from your mobile and 6.61c from your landline.
Many phone operators rarely include them in their packages because they’re not geographic numbers, yet businesses keep asking us to use them.
You can see from a business marketing point of view that having one non‐geographical number gives them the advantage of appearing national rather than regional, plus these numbers can be easy for us to remember. It may suit them, but what about the customers?
It gets worse when it comes to 0818 numbers, known as universal numbers. Unlike 1850 and 1890 numbers, where the costs are shared between the caller and the business, with 0818 numbers the business can charge above the regular rate.
Yes, you guessed it. They actually make money from your call. You’ll pay from 5c a minute from your landline and up to 36c a minute from your mobile.
To avoid these costs you’ll have to find a geographical number. If you can’t find one this is where the website comes in.

Useful website www. saynoto

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