Categories Archives: User Feedback

Kieran, February 2014

Nice one i recently was unavle to call my parts supplier for my business because they have left eircom and are now using 0818 , i call them 5 or 6 times per day (busy)and once or twice (quiet) good to see someone doing somthing here fairplay

Josh, February 2015

I just want to say this is one of the best sites I’ve ever come across. I’m on a bill phone and it’s mad money to even be 1 minute on an 1890 number. So thanks

Will, February 2014

Thanks _ great resource – used ptsb geo for difficult account query- took over 30 mins to get beyond autopilot and deal with query- 1890 would have been outside my 3 bundle- asked rep to record my complaint that geo was not on statement – she agreed both should be on with appropriate advice note as the point is to offer best customer service. She said she understood ptsb were subsidising 1890 calls as a service! Could it be true both ends of the call are the paying telecomns for a call which could in my case be in my 3 bundle if geo?
Thanks again

TJ, February 2015

Thank you for bringing the information re using 1890 numbers ,I can’t believe company’s are advising us to use these what they call LOW CALL Numbers and charging as much as 3times what it should be . many thanks

Marie, February 2012

I think this site is just brillant, Well done on providing these nos to us all. 1850 nos only cost 5c from a land line no matter how long you are on for and 25c on mobile but the 1890 nos and 0818 are a real rip off! Id love to know who is getting the money for these calls. Keep up the good work. and Ill be keeping an eye on this site reguaraly. Cheers Marie

Valerie, February 2015

Thanks for this great service. Used it today to confirm receipt and activate my new Public Services Card. Instead of phoning 1890 837000 which is not included in my UPC landline package, I called 01 7043000 and got through very quickly and got transferred to the correct person. Job done in under 2 minutes.

Mairin, February 2014

I just want to say a huge thank you to you for your work in saving consumers so much in unnecessary call costs. The number of businesses bringing in these numbers, presumably for their own benefit rather than that of their customers,is growing at a phenomenal rate. Hats off to you!

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