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Categories Archives: User Feedback

Derek, June 2013

I use your website quite a bit and find it very helpful when searching for geographical landline numbers.

Mairin, February 2014

I just want to say a huge thank you to you for your work in saving consumers so much in unnecessary call costs. The number of businesses bringing in these numbers, presumably for their own benefit rather than that of their customers,is growing at a phenomenal rate. Hats off to you!

Joe, November 2013

I’m sick of the growing trend of companies using 1890 and 0818 numbers. Like you I have complained to Comreg, NCA and even the Dept. of Communications, but no one is interested. I just received a letter from AIB changing to an 0818 number. I went to complain to the Central Bank, to see they use an 1890 number themselves. Is there any point in trying to start a petition website or emailing all contacts with sample letters of complaint to send to the Minister of Communications and their local TD?

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