Categories Archives: User Feedback

Morgan, October 2013

Hi, thanks so much for providing a great service, and for sticking it to the man. If this was an app I think you could do really well out of it. Best wishes

Leanne, November 2012

Thanks for your website. I regularly used in the UK and was delighted to find your website when I moved here…I assume you’re linked. Great website!

Matthew, November 2013

Just wanted to say thank you for putting this excellent website together. I look it up quite a lot (as you can imagine) and really appreciate that someone has gone to the trouble to assemble all this helpful info. on a website. Good for you, and good for all of us!! All the best

Norma, June 2013

Hi. I don’t have your name but I wanted to say thank you, this is a great saving. Have you thought of going to the country with it? Joe Duffy, Pat Kenny or John Murray might well be interested in including it as a feature. Would you mind sending me an email so that I can put you in my address list? Thanks again.

Rob, December 2011

I thought I would take time to thank you for getting these numbers, it has been a great help and a real money saver. It really pisses me of that these companies rip us off!!

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