Thanks for the site, it’s brilliant 🙂
Categories Archives: User Feedback
Padraig, March 2014
Thank you for your good work with this website
Matthew, November 2013
Just wanted to say thank you for putting this excellent website together. I look it up quite a lot (as you can imagine) and really appreciate that someone has gone to the trouble to assemble all this helpful info. on a website. Good for you, and good for all of us!! All the best
Barry, November 2012
A quick message to say thanks for the service. At least someone is fighting back!
Norma, June 2013
Hi. I don’t have your name but I wanted to say thank you, this is a great saving. Have you thought of going to the country with it? Joe Duffy, Pat Kenny or John Murray might well be interested in including it as a feature. Would you mind sending me an email so that I can put you in my address list? Thanks again.
Rob, December 2011
I thought I would take time to thank you for getting these numbers, it has been a great help and a real money saver. It really pisses me of that these companies rip us off!!
John, August 2011
Thanks for the effort of starting this very useful site,I have it bookmarked and it gets a lot of use,it really used to bug me having to pay to use those numbers…not any more 😉
Gary, June 2014
Thanks for all this work.
Pat, May 2014
Great site, very useful & helpful.
Maria, August 2011
This is a great site well done, it cost me 1.94 to ring my insurance com the other day with my mobile only on the phone for a few mins, glad I found this site. Thanks again.