Categories Archives: User Feedback

Morgan, October 2013

Hi, thanks so much for providing a great service, and for sticking it to the man. If this was an app I think you could do really well out of it. Best wishes

Leanne, November 2012

Thanks for your website. I regularly used in the UK and was delighted to find your website when I moved here…I assume you’re linked. Great website!

Matthew, November 2013

Just wanted to say thank you for putting this excellent website together. I look it up quite a lot (as you can imagine) and really appreciate that someone has gone to the trouble to assemble all this helpful info. on a website. Good for you, and good for all of us!! All the best

Dermot, January 2013

This is a pet hate of mine and I value your site highly as it saves me wasting money.
Do you know if there is a way to find out the number of people who are operating on a price plan or package that includes all their calls to landline numbers in Ireland? This might well be useful in convincing companies to display their geographical number in addition to the 1890 or 1850 numbers. If you know how it can be done, I am willing to do some leg-work to get the answers.
Also, could a campaign be mounted to encourage Leo Varadkar to implement the changes that he so advocated when he was in opposition? And to push for a definition of who, in government or otherwise, is responsible for the foolishness that exists, ie that a system that was supposed to save people money when contacting an organisation is actually costing them extra money. Again, I am willing to give some time to help with this.

Basil, October 2012

Excellent site which I’ve just found and will make full use of. Kudos to you for doing this. My gripe is this. All landline providers exclude all these types of number from their definition of local calls, so, for example, even though I have unlimited geographic landline calls for both Ireland and UK from eircom, if we use a 18 or 08 number they are charged, even if to a business 200 metres away. I’m not sure if you have highlighted this, having just found the site, but it should give you some further leverage to promote the savings which can be made. Best of luck. If you take donations, I will estimate our savings over the next six months or so and help you out with costs to that extent at least.

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