I stumbled across your website, which is so necessary. This so called lo-call number thing is such a scam. I am not quite sure who is gaining from it, but it is duping the consumer. People who have to ring Social Welfare and Citizens Information, who are usually the most vulnerable, are being fleeced. Even commercial concerns who are selling products to the public, are now using this number.
Categories Archives: User Feedback
Eleanor, October 2011
Thanks very much I love this Great Big Idea. Sorry, though amused, to see that some people thought you were providing a new golden pages. They will doubtless be the ones who continue to phone Joe Duffy complaining about phone charges. Don’t get mad, get even. I’ll follow with interest, Thanks.
Godfrey, June 2013
Thanks for your website.
I have complained on so many occasions over the years about this same matter.
I have also complained about the money paid to TV presenters.
My solution was select one of these Presenters and don’t watch their show.
Rating and advertising revenue(or lack of same) will do the rest for us.
There is one further issue about car parking charges being introduced in certain estates and would welcome your comments on how to deal with this matter.
JT, October 2011
I’ve been using your site for years now and I would firstly like to thank you for the savings I’ve made as a result!
Cian, August 2013
Excellent website, great resource, as the vast majority of people make calls from their mobiles these days.
Sadhbh, August 2011
Love the website! Saving me a fortune already! Thanks
Enid, May 2014
Tax offices and other govt offices are increasingly using 1 890 numbers and there is no landline alternative. Many people now have packages allowing them to call any irish landline for no call charge, I pay €45 pm for broadband, and all irish and Uk calls free 24/7. Therefore it costs me when there is only a 1 890 no? Why is revenue doing this? What is in it for them, could they be getting a share of the cost? You have to hold on and on and then the call can be a long one, i was on for 31 min recently due to revenue ROS system having problems. Could this be another stealth tax by the govt?
Marese, October 2013
Thanks for your work on your website, I think it’s great. All the best,
Niall, July 2014
Many thanks for creating this excellent service. It’s so galling to pay anything to access ‘customer services’ , particularly when I’ve already paid my mobile phone co money for minutes! Thank you again!
Kay, September 2014
Love your say no service and I log on and use it all the time. We have free landline calls and I refuse to pay for extra calls when I can simply dial the correct number with a small bit of research. Very little research thanks to the lists you have provided.