Categories Archives: User Feedback

Brendan, May 2015

Your web site is just brilliant and you are to be applauded for helping phone users avoid the rip off that is inherent in so called “lo call” numbering. I use your site regularly.

Kevin, September 2014

Love the website. It has saved me money on many occasions.
Do you have an app for android or ios or if not will you be developing one. I know that developing apps cost money, so maybe the people like me who have saved money through your website could help towards the cost. I know i would be willing to help.
Thanks again and keep it going.

Ken, June 2012

Keep up the EXCELLENT work on this site. I use it all the time; I hate being ripped off with exorbitant call rates. Am delighted I can finally contribute a number to your list. 🙂

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