Categories Archives: User Feedback

Brendan, May 2015

Your web site is just brilliant and you are to be applauded for helping phone users avoid the rip off that is inherent in so called “lo call” numbering. I use your site regularly.

Kevin, September 2014

Love the website. It has saved me money on many occasions.
Do you have an app for android or ios or if not will you be developing one. I know that developing apps cost money, so maybe the people like me who have saved money through your website could help towards the cost. I know i would be willing to help.
Thanks again and keep it going.

TJ, February 2015

Thank you for bringing the information re using 1890 numbers ,I can’t believe company’s are advising us to use these what they call LOW CALL Numbers and charging as much as 3times what it should be . many thanks , tj

Josh, February 2015

I just want to say this is one of the best sites I’ve ever come across. I’m on a bill phone and it’s mad money to even be 1 minute on an 1890 number. So thanks

John, April 2015

Well done, just came across your site and I think it’s great. The number of times I have used the “outside of Ireland number” for credit cards etc, would amaze you. I was in Galway a few weeks ago and I needed to book a room in the Travel Lodge, the mobile provider I use does not allow 1890 numbers (48 Go Conquer, it’s from their site I got the link to you) so I had to go and get a Meteor sim and €5 credit just to ring the Travel Lodge. I will say it again Well done, a great bit of thinking!!
Best regards and Thank you

Brian, May 2014

Your website is fantastic, fair play for taking the initiative. I am the communications -mobile/landline administrator for a county council and I have emailed a link and details regards your site to staff. Under our current Vodafone package, 1850/1890 are not included and charged. I hope staff like myself will be more proactive. I have used both eflow and electric Ireland in the past week. Thanks again and fair play to you.

Sile, March 2014

As a frequent and appreciative user of the information you provide, this website came to mind when I wondered if there was a campaign against the practice of companies answering dialled (charged) calls with initial “info”/ads, which consume expensive phone time, before allowing the caller to access the service they dialled for? They will call it information but frequently it is an ad the caller is involuntarily paying to receive. This may be acceptable on freefone numbers but surely not on charged calls?
Hope my point is clear!

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