Categories Archives: User Feedback

Frank, February 2016

Thanks to all above,,my first time to take notice of this whole subject… the usual sly ripoff that goes on in this country.  If they were honest and told the cost it would pay them more in the long term but they have to sneaky steal from their own costomers.

Mary, February 2016

It was wonderful to find your site and even more wonderful to realise there is such a committed person on this planet. I’m nearly 70 and find some of the business world and government agencies becoming very convoluted and dishonourable  – under the guise of transparency! Regards and big Godbless you – Mary

Eileen, February 2016

This is fantastic website to know of. Well done for finding and publishing all these numbers. Mobile costs are high enough without being fleeced by the 1890/1850 numbers. Great site.

Randall, February 2016

Tried calling and 1890 number 3 times this morning – must have spent 5 to 10 minutes listening to their garbage. Then took you advice, looked at the old fashioned telephone book, got the land-line number and dialled it. Total satisfaction

Margaret, February 2016

You are really doing a wonderful job and I thank you for that. I’ll certainly promote and credit your site…I found it a long time ago and have been singing its praises whenever possible.

Sandra, January 2016

Thank you for providing such a great service since Govt bodies and ordinary Companies are charging these big amounts on the 1890 I rang the Tax Office and my bill was €9.60 absolutely disgusting, the Irish people are getting ripped off.

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