Categories Archives: User Feedback

Colette, October 2015

Hi, I found your website by accident and just want to compliment it and thank you for the work you’ve done. I’ve shared it on Facebook because I absolutely hate 1890 and 1850 numbers. I’ve written to my local TD and to Comreg to try and get them to force businesses etc to include landline numbers aswell as the 1890 and 1850 numbers on letterheads, websites etc but was unsuccessful. My TD referred me to Comreg, Comreg basically said it’s nothing to do with them. It drives me crackers and I have wasted a huge amount of time hunting down alternative numbers on websites as a matter of principle. This website wil be a great help. Thanks Colette

Cillian, November 2015

Thanks for setting up and maintaining this site. I hope it gives you reward. I tell as many friends as will listen!


Mary, August 2015

Thank you so much for setting up such an excellent page. I really appreciate it. I had to ring Irish water. Thanks to your web site, they didn’t have the ability to rip me off by using their 1800 number.

Joe, August 2013

When is someone going to organise a campaign to local TDs, Dept. of Communications, etc over the unfair practice of 1890 and 0818 numbers? Why should the consumer be forced by companies such as Ruinair and Sky to spend extra to ring them and see a portion o=f the cost of the call be paid over to that company? I’m amazed that there has not been an outcry over this practice. Thye should be obliged to publish their geographical number and let the consumer decide. I was held on the line by Ruanair this morning for 55 minutes in total!!!

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