Tag Archives | help

Help, please! – Are you blocked from accessing SayNoTo1890.com from anywhere?

getting help finding numbers on this websiteI recently discovered this comment on the AskAboutMoney.com website, indicating that a customer of TescoMobile had for a time been blocked from accessing this website via their mobile phone.

Tesco Mobile blocking access to the SayNoTo1890 website

Have you had problems accessing the website through any of your internet connections – mobile phone, tablet, or home laptop or computer? If you’ve had any issues, please use the comments below to let me know.

Can’t find a company or a number?

getting help finding numbers on this websiteIf you’re looking for a geographic alternative, you could first try here for some tips. In short, you need to search for the number (rather than the company) and you need to leave out any spaces – so, search for 0818123456 rather than 0818 123 456.

Alternatively, please click here to e-mail me the 1890 / 1850 / 0818 number you’re looking for which you’re looking for an alternative. I’ll do my best to try to find an alternative, or will see if the other website users can help.

Finding geographic alternatives for 1890, 1850 and 0818 numbers for yourself

HelpI’ve been updating numbers on the website for the last few hours, but reading through so many of the e-mails that I’ve received, I feel like I have to write this blog post.

I’ve written about this particular topic a few times in the past.

Basically, I don’t provide a telephone directory service here, so e-mailing me demanding that I publish a geographic alternative for some company that you’re looking for, or claiming that it’s unreasonable that I don’t provide a geographic alternative for some company or another, means that I’m probably just going to delete your e-mail.

Just for kicks

I do this in my spare time, and for the most part, most people using this website understand that, and help out. And I try to help people help themselves – when someone e-mails looking for a number, and they receive the automated e-mail politely giving instructions on how they could find the alternative themselves.

I do ask in that e-mail, that if they do find the geographic alternative themselves, that they e-mail back letting me know so that I can publish the number and share it with everyone else.

5%. That’s the number of people who’ve requested a number, follow the instructions on the e-mail, and then e-mail me back with the number to share with everyone.

Still, I go on.

Finding geographic alternatives using Twitter

Someone recently asked in a comment what the geographic alternative for the Parcel Motel was. To be fair, there was no alternative number available anywhere on their website.

I found the number sometime after midnight on a Wednesday using Twitter. Simples.

Finding geographic alternatives using Twitter


Calling 1890, 1850 & 0818 numbers from Skype and other VOIP services

Help1890, 1850 and many 0818 numbers cannot be called from Skype or other VOIP services. So, if you’re overseas, for example, and need to call any of these numbers using your Skype service, you’re in bother.

You can, however, make use of all the geographic alternative numbers provided here on SayNoTo1890.com to call these companies.

So, in a situation where you want to call the Ulster Bank to ask them why their systems are broken again, you might try dialing 1850424365, but you’ll get an “Invalid Number” error.

If you’re abroad when you’re trying to make that call, you might be trying to dial +353 1850424365. Skype, however, will recognise this as an 01 Dublin number beginning 850 – not what you’re looking for.

Skype LogoSo, if you’re using Skype or other VOIP services, and need to call an 1890, 1850 or 0818 number, then go to the A-Z link page here and find the company you want to call, or use the search box (top right of this page) and type in the number (no spaces) you’re trying to call to see if there is a geographic alternative available.

Calling 1890, 1850 and 0818 numbers from mobiles

HelpIn an earlier post, I wrote about calling 1890, 1850 and 0818 numbers from Skype – basically the outcome was that you couldn’t and that you’d have to make use of the geographical alternatives provided here on SayNoTo1890.com.

When it comes to calling 1890, 1850 and 0818 numbers from your mobile phone, the story is a little different. You’re perfectly free to call these numbers from your mobile, however, based on the information on the Call Costs page linked above, calling these numbers will cost you more than normal calls.

The first thing to note is that mobile calls to 1890, 1850 and 0818 numbers do not get deducted from your inclusive minutes on your mobile contract package.

So, when you’re forced to pay for those minutes, you could end up paying between 3 and 6 times the cost of calling the same numbers from a landling. Check out the Call Costs page to see what it will cost you for the mobile package that you have.

However, if you use the geographical alternative numbers presented on this website instead of the 1890, 1850 and 0818 numbers advertised by many companies, then you won’t have to pay any extra to make those calls. The minutes, because they’re to geographical numbers, will be deducted from your minutes in your phone contract package.

So, if you know geographical alternatives to 1890, 1850 or 0818 numbers that you personally use, and you’d like to share them with everyone, you can mail us here to let us know.

Calling 1890, 1850 or 0818 numbers from abroad

HelpIf for any reason you’re in the United Kingdom, or anywhere else outside Ireland, and you need to call an 1890, 1850, 1800 or 0818 number, then this is the site for you.

Many of the numbers on this site are provided under the “calling from abroad” section of companies websites anyway – though maybe not made all that easily available in many cases.

Don’t forget to put the +353 before the numbers we’ve published here.

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